NOTE: Now sold in 4 oz. glass bottles with a dropper.
Due to the increased price in shipping and packaging shortages, we changed from an 8 oz. bottle to a 4 oz. The product has not been compromised we still offer the same ingredients our customers have come to love.
Infused with Eucalyptus herb. Eucalyptus is an antiseptic, anti-parasitic, wound healing additive. Eucalyptus leaf helps to clean the skin, and has the ability to reduce redness and irritation. Eucalyptus leaves can be used to make sinus relief eye pillows for people who are feeling "under the weather".
To Use: Use dropper to drip into hands and apply to the beard & body as needed daily.
Ingredients: fractionated coconut oil, sweet almond oil, sesame seed oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, rice bran oil, eucalyptus herb, essential oil infused - phthalate free fragrance.